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Mini Mixers (2.5yrs - 4yrs)
Mini Tap, Mini Ballerina School & Mini Street 

Mini Mixers Street Dance, Tap & Ballet classes are an introduction to the foundation of each style.

MINI MIXERS  Street Dance 
Mini Mixers will dance to the latest pop songs developing co-ordination & confidence through learning new moves each week.

Mini Ballerina School 

Mini Mixers Ballerina School is a story led ballet class where we take the children on an exciting journey through imagination and dance each week.

Mini Mixers Tap

Mini mixers Tap is the introduction to tap dance where we teach children the basic sounds and rhythms in tap dance using imaginative and creative exercises and fun dances to capture your child's imagination. 

MINI MIXERS will learn basic Tap & Ballet steps whilst having fun, being creative by learning to count, march, gallop like ponies or fly like fairy's.
These styles also help to develop many skills including good posture, co-ordination, rhythm & class discipline. Whilst helping to develop your child's confidence, imagination and social skills .

To find out more about our Mini Mixers Street Dance, Tap or Ballet classes please fill out the form below or click to book a FREE taster class.
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